Tuesday, July 28, 2009

sorry guys

hello guys I'm so sorry that I haven't blogged in a long time we adopted a Little girl named : Jennifer rhoda Allen . in August we are going to come home in 17 more months ARE YOU HAPPY I'm happy i hope you are happy bye -bye love Brady P.S give me more comments


Herding Grasshoppers said...


YOU'RE BACK! Back on the blog, that is.

We're really glad you're feeling better - but not as glad as you!

17 months sounds like a long time. Keep track of all your interesting experiences so you can remember them when you're OLD, like me :0)

Julie and the Garretts

molly lilja said...

We are so happy for you and for your new sister. We look forward to meeting her next year.
Drew and Zach Lilja