Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Max and fun

Hi Guys! We got Maxie yesterday. He is so cool. I love him so much. Here is a picture of me playing with him. It's night here. It's 7:51 pm. Or in Zambia they would say, 19:51 or 19 hours. Today we went to Aunty Karen's (an Action Zambia Missionary) house. It was fun. She gives our mom a day off and it was really nice of her and we had fun. We learned about Pilgrim's Progress and we saw pigs and we played and watched a movie. It was so fun. She is so fun to play with. We played games also. Well, love you all. Thanks!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Safari Visit

Hello guys! Mwaucha Bwanji! That means good morning. Guess what? The Huckaby's and the Knifongs are here to visit. They are so funny. Especially Uncle Kelly. They are here to see Africa and maybe become missionaries here.We went on a safari yesterday. It was so fun. We went swimming and saw animals and got on an elephant. You can see the animals in the pictures.

Guess what? Dad just burped and I say GROSS! A big one!

We get our puppy next week sometime. You know we mean Max. He is staying with an animal welfare lady until he gets bigger because he is still too young. Well, gotta take a bath. Good-Bye!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hello from Bradyn

Hello guys! How are you doing? I am doing fine. Johanna's crying right now and I am holding her. Remember when we had a big flood and the wall came down? Well, we met our neighbors and they are really fun to play with. I put a picture of them on the blog! The Knifong family came yesterday. Johanna is still crying. Don't you like Max? I know I haven't done a blog in a long time. Johanna is sitting up now. Well, I am going to take a bath now. Maybe I can talk to you later.