Hi everybody!!! How are you? I am fine but I had a hard day. I got in trouble at school, I had to play football (soccer) at my after school activity which I don't really like and I am just a little tired. But, I am a live and healthy and thankful for all that God has given me. People here in Africa don't have lots of things and I am thankful that I have clothes and stuff to wear. I feel so bad for the people here who only have one set of clothes. It is so hard seeing them. I am learning about James in my bible time - It says, My dear James 2:5 - Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? So, even though they don't have clothes, many of them have faith, which is better I guess. I know how to spell better without looking at it: B E T T E R! It was one of my spelling words. This picture was me when I was sweeping in the kitchen. Daddy and me were kitchen partners!
I am really looking forward to seeing you all really soon! I can't wait to see you guys. I miss you guys a lot!!!!!!!!!!! Bye!
Hi Bradyn,
We are looking forward to seeing you guys when you come home. Your dad told that you found a lizard's tail. How big was it? Ask your dad to put up a picture of you with it!
Nice work in the kitchen. I bet your mom really appreciates it. :0) And great job on your memory verse - that's a good one.
See you (sort of) soon,
the Garretts
I just read that part of James this week and I thought of all the people in Zambia who don't have much but have a great faith. I'm glad to see that you see it too!
Jacob's like you... doesn't like soccer too much and gets mad when he has to go. At least you're learning to run super fast though, right? Keep up the good work!
Summer and the gang
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